The mermaid projects is finished and has been given to its intended recipient.
Below, the cover is of a mermaid among the fish and seaweed. Christmas floral pieces were taken apart and re-purposed as seaweed. The leaf she is sitting on is one such piece. A lot of green was used: paint, glitter, markers, and pencils. A glue gun was the adhesive of choice. My favorite variation of the seaweed is some strangely colored curling ribbon. It has varying shades of green and brown. Strange for gifts but really works for this piece. You also see the fish I talked about previously. My latent engineering skills never kicked in so the fish got a fixed positioning. I also added little crystals, shells, and scrapbook embellishments.
The below is the inside of the box and the aforementioned treasure chest. I removed the padlock because it didn't work with the piece. More fish, pearls, re-purposed Christmas floral pieces,and Christmas ribbon cut to look like seaweed were added. To the right of the mermaid is actually the middle piece of a poinsettia and although it is heavily glittered, it reminds me of kelp.

Inside the treasure chest: fish, a pearl, the round disc is shell formerly an earring. The 'e' is for the recipient's name. The irony is that I put a Lebanese chocolate label on the box because I just liked it and it was green but the phone number on the label was the same as the recipient's birth date. The metal cuticle tool is a tool I like to use for making art, in this case a prop to hold the box open.
Until the next time and next creation. az