
Long arm ~ az

When I am taking pictures and saving them, I have to use titles that I theoretically remember. The titles lack originality but it is better than an image number taken on some insignificant date. This one is the self explanatory 'long arm'.  

I started the drawing on the left quite a while ago and went back to work on it recently. It was going into the discard pile, but I liked the necklace, so I glued it in my journal. The horses were already drawn in the book.  The star stamp is a tribute to Sarah, who as Karin says 'makes something out of nothing'. I carved a star out of very old eraser to use as a stamp and was proud of my efforts as my engineering skills are somewhat remiss even on the most simple of projects. 

'long arm'  journal page,  9 x 24" mixed media 

Until next Tuesday, 


pool party-kes

A nod to SARAH who always makes something good out of nothing

my dog's pool had a hole in it.
we bought her a new one-its so much more fun when the water stays in it.
this picture is the old pool after I cut it in half with a jigsaw.

this is the pool turned over, primed and painted
it is the first part of a sculpture in progress


Card work #2 ~az

This is another card that was sent out to my cousin at school. I think I sent out a few but I didn't always have a chance to photograph them.  This was another photo-copy taken out of my art journal. The dog in this is actually quick drawings of my other cousin's German shepherd. While I wasn't happy with the likeness, I did  like the actual sketches. I think the drawing of the girl was some discard from another project but I liked how she worked with the dogs so I collaged her in. I sent the card around Easter so the punched out bunnies were my homage to Easter. I do love glitter so I coated the card with glitter paint, which you can see around the lower dog's nose. It also acts a sealant for all the collage materials. The 'you need to know' was just a lead in to some nonsense that I had written inside the card.  I challenged my cousin to find all twenty one hearts(or at least that's how many I think there was) and she did.


Card work - az

My cousin was in the area about two years ago, attending school. Due to her school activities, she was not always allowed as much phone time as she desired. To give her a distraction, I would make her cards. The artwork you see here is one of them. 

I photo-copied a page out of my art journal and altered it. If you are wondering why she is holding a fish, the answer is because the fish was on the original page, I just added the arm to complete the page and to be amusing. 


the wanderer -kes

once upon a time in the same galaxy, only 4 hours away....

'i want to make an art project. i wish we had some paints and paper, or something.'
'we can make something. we have everything we need.'
'what do you mean?'
'here are some rocks. do something with them. don't think about it.'

time passes...another creator joins our story already in progress, adding vegetable matter.
then a feathered guest gets involved.
and we all live happily, and artfully ever after.

the end


A collaged page...az

This a collaged page of three drawings that I did at separate times while chatting on the phone. I just used at what was close by to finish it. I had an inch of pea green colored pencil. The dragon graphic was from a label that had been sitting on my desk for far too long. The pink on the bottom right is fabric dye. Orange is so prevalent because I just got a bunch of new stabilo pencils to try and orange was the most interesting color. Add a few stray crayons and my favorite black pens and surprise, a completed page. 

This is a rare finished piece of artwork. Somedays, I am just more interested in the process than the completed product. 