
Leaf Peeking at the Moose Hill Gallery - skf

Geometry and Time
Grape Leaf Gestures

 Hello to all on a really dreary day and after a really horrible night. Cheer up and please visit : The Mass. Audubon's Moose Hill Wildlife Gallery. My two green paintings shown will be on display at the art exhibit;

"LEAVES" Color, Cadence, & Texture
 October 23 through January 19, 2015

   I did " Grape Leaf Gestures" after viewing the Jamie Wyeth show at the MFA. I was inspired by his method of using watercolor applied with a small twig. I used a stem from a weed in the Boot Factory parking lot and with this highly sophisticated instrument, I pulled the oil paint across the surface. I also discovered that because I was painting on PVC that I could scratch into the soft substrate creating very realistic effects of the light penetrating through the translucent veins of the leaf. I really enjoyed working this way. I felt a connection to the cave painters of Lascaux, France while I held my little stick.
  Later  I painted the "Geometry and Time" work after I became fascinated with the very specific angles that the veins had in relationship to the stems. Even after the leaves fell off of the trees and began to break down into leaf litter, the angle was always consistent. I was struck by the permutations inherent in a simple geometry.We are all surrounded by a natural elegance that never disappoints me in its applications.

  This work called " Emergence" was not accepted but it's
 one of my favorites. I love the rhythm and the color.
It reminds me of a bright day in September while Phillip and I were walking along the pond at D.W. Field in Brockton.
Hopefully, there will be more clear and sunny day days coming to us , soon!
For more info on the show visit


Fall Art Shows -skf

Hello my fellow creatives,
         Here are some works that I did a few years ago. They are based on a trip I had taken to the Great Barrier Reef back in 1991. Most of the paintings and sculpture were done between the years from 2006 to 2012. I wanted to express the rhythm of the waves and the vibrant colors of the coral reef. These works have been in a couple of shows including The Gallery at Patriot Place. They are now on display at:
 The New England Artisan Gallery  http://www.NEArtisanGallery.com/
 513 South  Street, Route 1A
Wrentham, MA 02093

They are having an Open House on Saturday October 18th from 12PM to 8 PM.
 I'll be there from 2PM to around 4PM.
 Every one is welcomed to drop by to see and discuss the work shown here. The gallery is offering a store wide sale. My works are being sold at a 25% discount. It's a great opportunity to either purchase for your own collection or think about a fantastic gift for the upcoming holidays.
                                       I hope to see you there!

Next week I'm in a show at Massachusetts Audubon Moose Hill Gallery
The show is called "Leaves,Color, Cadence & Texture"
Stay tuned, I'll have more on this event on next week's blog.


i don't like mondays? -kes

working 'for the man' this week started off on cloud 9, an unimaginable event for a monday.
messages from the ether come in the most amusing & powerful ways.

Lou Reed came to me in a dream, he was high on a hill, we were both overlooking the ocean.
he said:
'so are you finally ready to come work with me?'
in that moment i could still feel a crumb of hesitation in my bones (REALLY??!)
...and then i exhaled and let it all go.
my bones answered with my voice:
'yes, i am ready'.
i couldn't make this up if i tried, and i'm pretty good at that stuff.

Lou Reed left this plane of existence on Oct. 27, 2013.
this year Oct 27 happens to fall on, you guessed it, monday.
i intend to celebrate his legacy making sculpture all day the 25th & 26th.
on the 27th, my plan is to just listen to the wind.

memory of Lou Reed as spirit guide
daily fish drawing, 9/29/14
right (collage) & left (line) hands working