Well, it's back to school time. I thought I might inspire everyone to think of their clothes as a canvas. We've all been entrained to buy what the commercial world is selling us especially when for years we all received new clothes at the start of school. This year I CHALLENGE you ( pointing my forefinger to anyone who cares) to recreate your old clothes into some really fun personal artwear. Here are a few examples of my creations. The dress was a worn old jersey dress and I turned it inside out, embroidered like a crazy woman, and then added some cool blue pockets.My blue suede shoes, I went really manic with the sharpies especially the metallics. Then I thought about trying to make an experimental purse with the fabric samples in my studio. I took a piece of felt and cut out a double bird for the front. How about a snowflake for a hat or a jacket?

The rag necklace is from my fabric scrap pile. I twisted, rolled and sewed some interesting color combinations into a long rope. Like a magpie, I've collected bits and pieces of sale beads, old jewelry, and anything I find in the road.
Your creative ideas are limitless so don't let an opportunity to express yourself slip by and this is where I explain the title. When I was younger, I would go to a restaurant and often the hostess would try to get rid of the worst seats by attempting to seat the uncomplaining folks next to either the kitchen door or in cold weather, the front door. I've taken the statement," Don't take the seat by the door!" as a kind of code for we're all sold something less than acceptable, which we unquestionably buy. For instance did you know there is actually a Color Trends Council who determines the colors for designers of clothes, furniture, drapery, and other consumer goods. Did I ask to be dressed from colors that are from "The Night of the Living Dead?! So do your own style and make it wild. Great cultral trends always come from the street up, not the other way around. Wear it proud. A special shout out to my nephew who looks awesome doing his own thing.
Don't take the world they'll give you
( cheap kewpi doll philosophies).
Make it the way you want it!
Full of what you love.
Now, let's get to work.