working 'for the man' this week started off on cloud 9, an unimaginable event for a monday.
messages from the ether come in the most amusing & powerful ways.
Lou Reed came to me in a dream, he was high on a hill, we were both overlooking the ocean.
he said:
'so are you finally ready to come work with me?'
in that moment i could still feel a crumb of hesitation in my bones (REALLY??!)
...and then i exhaled and let it all go.
my bones answered with my voice:
yes, i am ready'.
i couldn't make this up if i tried, and i'm pretty good at that stuff.
Lou Reed left this plane of existence on Oct. 27, 2013.
this year Oct 27 happens to fall on, you guessed it, monday.
i intend to celebrate his legacy making sculpture all day the 25th & 26th.
on the 27th, my plan is to just listen to the wind.
memory of Lou Reed as spirit guide
daily fish drawing, 9/29/14
right (collage) & left (line) hands working