
Catch of the day - kes

tategoi (tah teh goy) a japanese word for an unfinished koi that is expected to improve (more).

this word could also just mean a koi that costs way too much, but for anyone not koi obsessed i digress.

i love fish. i like this word. i like the idea of a fish that improves just by being a fish; not because it trains hard, is responsible and goes to work each day, or is smart...etc.

two weeks ago i started making a fish picture each day, often a koi. i want to see how the process and fish imagery develops after 365 days. my current intention is to do this for a year.

this image is called 'catch of the day'. i just sat with a piece of bristol and an x-acto knife. this is what happened. i have some fine wire and a few pretty refrigerator magnets from my friend michelle so i hung it up.

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