Hello Friends,
It was one rough winter, I must say. My usual survivor mode is denial, so I painted leaves through every snow storm,burying my head in drawing with luminous colors instead of the cold white woe of February. I wanted my style to feel more expressive instead of simply copying my Fall photos of
D. W. Field in Brockton (my muse).
This work I call " Tender Spaces" in anticipation of Springs palette. I used inexpensive craft paints mixed with modeling paste as a base. Then I added Caran d'Ache's Neocolor water soluble crayons to draw on top of the flat surface texture. Then I go back and forth between painting and drawing. I think I've achieved some lovely effects as a result.

I became more abstract which
yielded a treasure trove of bejeweled images.

It all started with a trip to A.C. Moore's clearance aisle. Oh,cool! They have a small jar of texture paint. Awesome , two bucks. I know I'll add that to a base and work on top of that. Most of the time I don't notice my learning disability until I got back to the studio and started painting.
Yuk! Are you kidding me?! It has glitter in it.
I HATE glitter. Silly crap smeared all over the page.
The nerve, jazzing up my morose maroon.
I spent most of my work time trying to cover over the sparkly bits.
The bottom drawing is the result.
Yeah right, ha ha yourself Miss Andrea.
I hope you like the red and green metallic Christmas cheer all over your work.
Enjoy the jar it's all yours!
the last one is my favorite to escape the current climate