Well, since my last blog, I've improved upon the "jammin' with myself " theme.
The two paintings on the left took me about two weeks each to attain the haphazard breezy Zen look.
These were both done in watercolor crayons and craft paints, children's media but combined with years of hard won perceptions and painting skills, I think it's a lovely effect.
I love the sweeping gestures so much that I made it into a vase sculpture.
After the news of the day, I really needed to retreat to the calm colors of the olive trees.

I wanted to capture the delight of color and form moving through each other in a abstracted manner.
Think of it as an invitation to move between real space and illusionary realms. I find it pleasing to shift between the two. New connections show me novel visual relationships, this inturn inspires me to express the new dynamics.

I hope everyone who loves creativity, guards a little space and time in busy demanding lives to discover the beauty that every soul carries within. Shut off the world that dictates it's perceptions to you, develope your own.
As an act of political defiance, we should do all that we can to express those inner musings, this is the only prescription that I know to shut out the hate.
Great work... they photograph well... I see more and more of a progression to a mild abstraction in what is otherwise a picture perfect view of nature...not such a thing really exist...