I've been doing some self-portraits. Here's a few I thought I would share.This first one, I call " Long Winter, Long Face". Funny enough my husband said that it doesn't look like me and I answered , "But it's how I feel!". Too many snowstorms, back to back stomach flu and food poisoning, it was pretty rough.
So it was a psychological portrait and luckily , my mood has changed.
This is one of the places I go when I am meditating. It is a space of vast time and space. I try to stay"tuned in" for as long as I can, then I feel renewed.
It's title is, "Indra's Net".
This is the most like me. the one on the left is titled, "Still a Little Wild Left".
And the one on the right is, "Prairie Girl".
Nostalgic for the vasts skies of North Dakota,
I call this one, "I've got my eye on you". And I know where you live also!
I made the reflection older as a reference to watching the passage of time in my own face. Pretty tough stuff for a woman. Hence the tough look. But make note of the cut-out dove between us. Symbolizing that the entire exercise of the self portrait is to make peace not only with your image but with your identity. I throw the gauntlet down and challenge my fellow creatives to use themselves as a subject matter and express the wellspring of feeling and emotions about yourself.
It's a grounding and rewarding experience. And I guarantee that you will never get bored with yourself!
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