
evolution... -kes

...or why the Art Connection of Boston matters 
This post is brought to you by Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, officers of the laws of nature. These are laws I can get behind.
house, collection of the artist
tempera on newsprint

Law 1: 
The second law of motion (Newton)

I interpret this law in layman's terms as there is only so much I can carry before I 'can't get out of my own way' (a) artistically'. 

Unchecked quantities of life belongings to fill one's own fish bowl can result in mortgage or rent issues. A larger aggravation is feeling one's own creative animal locked in a box. What does that look like? 
It looks like creations confined to a cardboard box or closet, this feels like a glamorous episode of 'hoarders'. Even valuables create weight (m) I can't live with or under. Thanks Art Connection for finding good homes for my progeny and making space for more creativity.

Law 2: Adapt or die (Darwin). This is pretty self explanatory. So if I follow law 1 above evolution is a progression that takes almost no effort (F).

the spiders and the alligator. collection of the artist.
(almost a 1/2 century later it gets posted on a blog. carl jung would have a field day i'm sure.)

hydrangeas, private collection
23 carat leaf and oils painted in reverse on glass


the koi pond at selby gardens, mt. auburn hospital, cambridge, ma 
mixed media with acrylic on canvas

reflecting pool, private collection
oil monotype on unryu, collaged

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